From humble beginnings in 1934, Tobin Brothers has grown to become one of Australia’s largest and most respected family-owned funeral companies.
Today Tobin Brothers operates under our main brand of Tobin Brothers Funerals as well as our specialist women’s division Frances Tobin Funerals by Women, Herbert King Funerals in Ashburton and Abbey Funerals in Thomastown.
We employ over 200 caring, highly trained and committed people, including 11 direct descendants of our founders.
We serve the community from 24 branch locations throughout the Melbourne metropolitan area and Echuca.
In addition, we have a number of departments and divisions that provide specialist services to our client families and a variety of ethnic communities.
The Company conducts approximately 5,500 funerals per annum, which represents around one in every four people who die each year in the greater Melbourne metropolitan area.